现金葡萄京娱乐城app平台天然距离上映还有近一周时辰-葡萄京娱乐场下载(中国大陆)平台官方网站 IOS/安卓最新版/手机APP下载

发布日期:2025-02-10 09:47    点击次数:169

现金葡萄京娱乐城app平台天然距离上映还有近一周时辰-葡萄京娱乐场下载(中国大陆)平台官方网站 IOS/安卓最新版/手机APP下载


The highly anticipated animated film Ne Zha 2 is set to premiere in theaters across the United States starting February 12. The film, which has generated significant buzz, will gradually roll out in multiple locations, bringing Chinese mythology to international audiences. In the heart of New York City, the film's striking billboard in Times Square has drawn attention from passersby, highlighting the global appeal of Chinese animated productions.记者7日看到,天然距离上映还有近一周时辰,但影院内关系场次的电影票大部分一经被预售,个别场次电影票一经售罄。好意思国社交媒体上,《哪吒2》也已成为网友揣摸的新话题。



By February 7, most Ne Zha 2 tickets in the US were pre-sold, with some sold out. The film is also trending on American social media and will release in Australia and beyond. The Hollywood Reporter highlighted its strong China box office.






A slew of Chinese movies premiered simultaneously overseas, some of which reigned as the top-grossing non-English language film at the local box office. The box office boom during the Spring Festival reflects the vibrancy of China’s consumption market and displays the strong endogenous driving force and broad prospect of China’s economy. In the meantime, Chinese movies screened abroad have also become a bridge for exchanges and a window into China for the world. We welcome foreign tourists to make good use of China’s visa-free and other facilitation policy, visit China and get a unique experience of Chinese culture.


开端 | 新华网、中国日报双语新闻微信公众号

剪辑 | 白安琪
